Sunday, September 30, 2018

Flylady this week and Sunday kitchen diaster again

Another Sunday, another destroyed kitchen. I'm tempted to say the Flaylady system is not working for me... except I can't blame it all on a system I am not 100% participating in. Sundays are just hard at my house. We are both scrambling to get things picked up from the last week, and new things done for the week ahead, and this weekend  involved a late night wedding out of town and a lot of errands on Sunday. It was busy but did not feel productive.

To top it off, I don't get to stay home on Mondays to get everything back to normal. This is exactly why I need a system.

I did jump back into it and set a timer, did 15 minutes clean up and  its shocking how much got done. So I guess it really does work after all, it just requires me to actually work the system.

The system has a lot of moving parts and  I haven't jumped in fully.
Morning routines? Evening routines? Weekly home blessing? Laundry routine? I'm trying... slowly... trying.

I started with the weekly zones and officially, its my second week committing to the weekly zone cleaning. This week it was the living room. But I don't think it went as smoothly and certainly doesn't look better for the attention.

Why? Maybe because this is where we hang out a lot and it just collects clutter. Maybe because its easy to set something down in this room as we are moving through? Maybe because its not where I want it and feels unfinished. 

Just like the master bedroom, I feel like I've got day one down well. This is my kind of cleaning. I typically start out slow, just muddling around. Also like the bedroom last week, I did it all unenthusiastically.  I guess that is the point of the system, not to wear myself out with marathon cleaning but to teach myself to do a little at a time and constantly is the key. 

Still trying....


  1. Living room looks in order. I spy a watermelon in the kitchen.

  2. I spotted a Watermelon - - I can remove that for U ! - - Looks Delicious !!
