Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Flylady nightly kitchen cleanup- Sunday night

Every other day I can pretty much stay on top of keeping the kitchen clean and in order but Sunday it goes out the window.  Why just Sundays? Rushing to get out of the house and get to church in the morning starts it and means leaving breakfast dishes and half empty coffee cups and this sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Sunday mornings are hard. I want to go to church but I also want to lounge around and make a big breakfast, and I try and do both. 

I do usually get some lounging in and by Sunday evening, the kitchen is a straight up mess. The breakfast dishes are still sitting around, the  dishwasher is half unloaded with the clean dishes sitting on the countertops among the dirty ones. Lunch leftovers are still out. Its just a mess. A mess I want to forget about and leave until Monday to tackle. But I don't. Instead I set the timer for 10 minutes and get to work. 

Part of the Flylady program includes setting up an evening routine for yourself (more on that here and an example here) and includes a fast kitchen clean up before bed.  (like this). This evening routine sounds sensible, simple and a no-brainer but its not quite as seamless as it sounds. Thinking ahead is the key.  I feel like I've just dipped my toes in the water and I'm still working on setting up my routine, but I have incorporated the evening kitchen clean up. even on Sunday,  I am always shocked at how put together everything is and its all done in just 10 minutes. 

I'm not doing this system perfectly, but what little I've managed to incorporate it's having results.

An added benefit is walking into a clean kitchen in the morning just makes me happy. Its a nice way to start the day.