Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June Goals

All in all, May was pretty successful in the goal department. Almost every single thing I wanted to get accomplished was done including a few more things. Carpet went in, a photo album  of wedding photos was made and  the back porch got a little attention. Not on the list, but the front porch also got some attention, as well as a few areas in my husband's house that he is trying to sell.

June is hot and its going to be slow going around here. What am I hoping to get accomplished for June? Not very ambitious, but things that need some attention:

1. Organize the makeup area and clean off the sink area (this has already been done! I had to confiscate a drawer that didn't belong to me, but I'm so happy to have the clutter off the countertops).

2. Clean out and organize the nightstand drawers.

3. Throw my husband a nice birthday party and celebrate his birthday well. (This has  happened as well. He had a huge and happy birthday weekend and loved his birthday cake (it was Paula Deen strawberry cake). 

4. Get wedding rings to the jewelry store for insurance inspection.

5. Get to Gym once a week. I went one time last month  :( 

6. Get one or two book shelves in the dining room set up. (this has been done as well).

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