Saturday, July 21, 2018

working upstairs- a little office progress

It feels like the office is making progress. I still have my one box at a time system going strong. I also filled one large trashcan (the kind that sits at the end of the driveway for the garbage truck) with one shoe,  one shelf bracket,  class notes from law school and  other stuff saved/damaged from the flood but somehow still  sitting upstairs.

Its not the neatest space yet, but I have the desk up and running. I'm using it at least. Which is a nice thing to have as I worked from home a few days last week.

I even got the one desk drawer organized, which  required me to run the old broken plastic organizer through the dishwasher twice. It is missing a corner but I thought it would be easier to just make do than to run out and find another one. Who knows when the desk would be organized.  When they say sheetrock dust gets everywhere, they are not lying. I sat on the phone one evening and gathered all the bookmarks, pushpins, nails and tabs and got them situated neatly in the clean desk tray.

I found a very tarnished little brass swan (duck?) in the mayhem upstairs that belonged to my aunt. He cleaned up and is now holding paperclips on a tray that once sat in the kitchen.  A bowl from a different aunt was called into use holding post it notes. 

I also gave some decorations my attention.

The only expensive curtains I own were once in the dining room and were somehow washed and saved and just sitting in a box. With the new furniture and new colors, they probably will never go back in the dining room, so I thought I'd try them upstairs.  I had white curtains up temporarily, but I never took a liking to them and it was just time to try something else, as long as the something else was just sitting in a box and did not cost anything to change them out. Free decorating. That's my new thing now. I am pretty sure they are staying.

More no cost decorating.  A large picture went up over the couch and a white/wooden mirror is going to replace the silver one that was hanging on the side of the desk.  Both these were  flood survivors.

I hope to/plan to get rid of that big couch. I was storing it and some more furniture for someone before  the flood, and thank goodness I was because after the flood, that is the only furniture I had to use. I slept on that couch more than one night, and it is pretty comfy,  but it is so big and takes up so much space. I am counting down until it is time for it to go. 

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