Monday, October 15, 2018

Saturday and Sunday this week

This weekend did not feel very productive, although looking back, I guess a few things did get done, and it was more productive than I felt.  Saturday was taken up with a family reunion picnic and a long trip to the grocery store. 

Sunday, after a wedding shower, and I finally gave the china cabinet a good cleaning and unpacked everything in it. 

I also got caught on the laundry- a little. I had fallen behind on the fly lady laundry system. The entire point of the system is to do a little at a time, consistently. That's what I'm having trouble with, but I keep at it.  

I also cleared out the laundry room. The countertop and cabinets,  I still love them but they are easy to become a dumping ground. I kind of rearranged and took out everything that didn't belong there. Another thing I had been wanting to do and had not actually stopped long enough to get it done.

The long grocery trip meant I had everything to make some chili. Actually make two different chili. One was with beans for me and one was without beans for him. It was my Aunt Margie's recipe and the smell of it cooking in my house and the fact that I couldn't call her from the grocery store made me nostalgic and a little weepy thinking about all the times she made it for me and would give me a lot of Ritz crackers with it.  We had saltines tonight, no Ritzs. Its just as well as that would have just thrown me all the way over the edge, and I probably had just about enough of the trip down memory lane.

Then suddenly it was Sunday evening again and time to  make some jello and clean up the Sunday kitchen mess, part of my fly lady evening routine that I am still diligently working on establishing, and the weekend is a wrap.

1 comment:

  1. I’ll take some jello please!
    Nice to have a sentimental time now and then.
    Keep up with the fly lady.
