We had three days of winter, which I enjoyed, but now its over. In its place is some weird season of warm yucky weather with a lot of rain and a lot of fog. I am hopeful there may be a few more days of winter left this year, but it doesn't appear so. The tree in the backyard thinks its fall, though.....
I am buying:
Heavy winter clothes, in general and this coat, in particular. I had amassed a small collection of heavy winter items for my winter travels. The flood took out all the coats, but I think the scarves, gloves, hats and warm underthings were saved.... and being kept safe with a friend, but I don't know where they are right now. It helps that all the heavy winter things are on clearance.
Around the house:
heavy sigh.... changes continue to be made. some wanted, some unwanted. In true, if you give a mouse of cookie fashion.... I couldn't have the double fireplace because the ceiling in the bedroom was too low. So I bought a bigger fireplace in the living room (this one). After much angst, the carpenter informed me I cant have the bigger fireplace because the framing will disrupt the structure/attic and AC unit placement in second floor. Now the carpenter and the fireplace guy are putting their heads together and who knows what I'll end up with..... heavy sigh. Meanwhile... my house looks like this.....
I am listening to:
This book. Number 4 in the Outlander series of 8. Its 44 hours and 72 chapters so I have to kind of get myself psyched up to start the book and I really feel like I've accomplished something when I finish it.
I am cooking:
Not much. Accepting leftovers and dinner invitations from cooking friends.
The weekend:
Saturday has become my busiest day of the week. Each week is different, but last week I had a dr appointment with the dog at 7a, The Daniel Plan class at church, then bible study at church (entrusted), lunch, then errands to the mall to find a cocktail dress for a work event. A trip to the grocery store, and the whole day is done. I am home by dark, exhausted and wondering where the day went. This week, its the same schedule, except sub out the cocktail dress, for shopping for bathtub and the countertops. It sounds like it would be fun, but its not. And here she is, sleeping it off....
I am looking forward to:
Seeing some progress in the house rebuilding.
I am looking forward to, Part 2:
Vacation. I'll be spending my birthday (which happens to coincide with a 4 day mardi-gras work break) here.
I am linked here
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